Friday, April 17, 2020

Some Stupid Questions - GOVT 2306-GDH1

I'll add responses soon

1 - i feel like what confused me the most is know which branch does what.

2 - The parties, like how many are there? I have only ever heard of the democrates and republicans up until this year. Also, how do the lesser parties get into the polls again?

3 - The most confusing part to me so far has been the judicial system. For the most part, I understand how the executive and legislative branches work and who is within the branch. However, the judicial system is just unclear.

4 - The most confusing part to me so far has been the judicial system. For the most part, I understand how the executive and legislative branches work and who is within the branch. However, the judicial system is just unclear.

5 - I am still trying to grasp each lesson as best as i can but sometimes i don't know what it is exactly we are being taught. I don't have an actual question but i am worried about taking the final for the class the test and quizzes are okay though.

6 - How will the corona virus affect the election?

7 - How does the federal reserve plan on combating inflation if they give money away to everyone, what would stop our nation to turn into post ww1 Germany. Not sure if that qualifies as stupid question so I will ask another question, why is the world round.

8 - Aren’t politics and government powers a waste of time? The most confusing thing that we have covered in this course in my opinion has to do with the depth and intensity of both the US and Texas constitutions and why they are both fairly different. This confuses me because I do not understand why the Texas government leaders feel the need to create a country for Texas itself and why we cannot just use the national constitution.

9 - The thing that confuses me most is the separation of state and national level powers. I’m confused of what applies to what and when it applies

10 - What are the main differences between open and closed primaries? And what are the pros and cons of each? Also, is there any specific reason why Texas and specifically Houston lacks mass transit systems even though Houston is a large, urban city?

11 - How are people supposed to vote if we are supposed to stay inside, or is voting postponed?

12 - why is the texas constitution so large?

13 - Do you think Texas will ever ratify its constitution to resemble the beliefs and values of people of today? I personally think that Texas will not while still remaining a republican state.

14 - What’s confusing is why if everyone hates Donald trump so much why did he become president? Why did people vote for him?

15 - What is confusing me the most is why the constitution may be very specific in some areas, but doesn't go into details in other areas. Or is it already as detailed as can be?

16 - Why are there so many political debates pout there?