Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Stupid Questions - GOVT 2305 GHD2

Responses to follow

They'll help review the material for the final

1 - My question kind of does and kind of doesn't relate to anything that we've learned so far. It mostly has to do with the current situation (COVID-19). It's 2020, meaning this is our general election year. This virus is going to get worse before it gets better. So, how do you think elections would work? Would we most likely transition to some heavily regulated online system? They can't cancel an election, can they, especially with his being the general election? Would that be unconstitutional?

2 - How much of an effect do us young people (Gen Y and Z) have on this upcoming election? Can we make a significant effect on the outcome?

3 - Actually, the most confusing thing for me right now is memorizing all the terminology, but that's just because I have a bad memory. Do you have any tips or tricks to help me with that? Also I am struggling with how the levels of local levels of government relates to or affects the national government because right now with Covid-19 going around the two seem very separated. For example, states like California are going into a state of emergency while others are just going by the specific county. While the national government just seems to be promoting social distancing and released the symptoms of Covid-19 to be weary of, and have yet to decide whether or not it will be necessary to go into a state of emergency or something else that might help the country.

4 - Question: What is your favorite sport?The Federalist papers and the Articles of Confederation are a bit hard to keep track of.

5 - What is the basic difference between Democrats and Republicans?

6 - Isn't it crazy we were just joking about China being infected with coronavirus a couple of weeks ago? Now the Earth is infected and the government is handling this situation fairly well. The most confusing stuff we covered is our bill of rights and how the federal power is seperated. For example in this coronavirus situation, I'm suspicious if the federal government steps in to quarantine contaminated areas. I know it would be to lower infection rates but i would prefer to not see the government controlling our liberty to go out and interact with one another.