Friday, October 5, 2007

Review for 2301 Test Two

Be prepared to answer questions about the following terms for test two. Note that we wont talk about all of these in class, but I'll try to go over all of them at some point. They are, as you know, clearly discussed in your textbooks. Think of these in the broadest possible sense.

dual sovereignty
expressed powers
article 1, section 8 of the Constitution
implied powers
reserved powers
10th Amendment
police powers
Full Faith and Credit
privileges and immunities
local governments
Home rule cities
General Law cities
Dual Federalism
Cooperative federalism
grants in aid
regulated federalism
unfunded mandates
new federalism
Block grants
state sovereign immunity
separated powers
purpose of s of p
Unified government
Divided government
The checks and balances
Legislative supremacy
judicial review
Executive privilege
Forms of municipal government
strong mayor council
council manager
at-large elections
single member districts
county judge
county sheriff
commissioners court
special districts
councils of government
The Bill of Rights
dual citizenship
Civil Liberties
substantive protections
Procedural protections
Civil rights
14th Amendment
Equal protection clause
Plessy and Brown
Defining discrimination
Affirmative Action
nationalizing the Bill of Rights
The Warren Court
The Rehnquist Court