Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Texas Pork

We're number one! (OK, number three, but we can dream.) Only two states get more in federal spending than Texas. Nothing new in that--think about the Johnson Space Center.

Since we like to consider ourselves to be self sufficient conservatives, are we hypocrites? Or are we simply smart to take advantages of the opportunities we are given?

Note the following about our own Ron Paul: "Rep. Ron Paul has long crusaded against a big central government. But the maverick GOP lawmaker and presidential contender also has represented a congressional district that is consistently among the top in Texas in its reliance on dollars from Washington. In the first nine months of the federal government's 2006 fiscal year alone, it received more than $4 billion in federal aid."

He wants to get elected of course. Could he be if he refuses the money?

And how does ACC gets some of this filthy lucre?