Sunday, February 3, 2008

2302 TBA Quiz Two Questions

Like the questions for the first quiz, I expect at least two full paragraphs for each question. You will note that some will require some research. Simple Google searches will give you the information you need to answer the questions.

1. What is a delegate? Which legislative institution is designed to represent like delegates? Using current news events, provide an example of delegatory representation.

2. What is a trustee? Which legislative institution is designed to represent like trustees? Using current news events, provide an example of trustee representation.

3. Article One Section Eight of the Constitution lists the powers of Congress. The American Government textbook says that the executive branch has intruded on some of these powers recently. Give a current example. Explain the nature of the conflict.

4. It is argued that one of the reasons why incumbents tend to be elected at such high rates is due to their ability to provide pork barrel projects, patronage, and casework for their constituents. Find out who your U.S. House Representative is and what specific things he or she is able to do to enhance the chances of re-election.

5. Who is the Speaker of the U.S. House? Outline the nature of his or her power.

6. Who is the Speaker of the Texas House? Outline the nature of his or her power.

7. Outline the differences in the bill making process in the U.S. House and Senate. Which os more organized and which is more loose and why?

8. What are the factors which lead to party line voting in the U.S. House and Senate?

9. Why are parties less strong in the Texas Legislature than in the U.S. Congress? Where does power lie and why?

10. Outline the similarities and difference in the constitutional design of the Texas and U.S. legislative branches.