Thursday, February 7, 2008

The Obligatory Super Tuesday Post

Here are a few belated links regarding the results of the primaries held last Tuesday.

The Washington Post and the New York Times both have pages devoted to the actual results of the different races. Clinton won a small number of delegates more than Obama, but they are basically tied. McCain did so well that Romney bowed out today. No disrespecting Huckabee, but McCain is going to win the Republican nomination.

And there is the predictable commentary. Eleanor Clift can't decide between Clinton or Obama, but thinks they can both beat McCain. Morton Kondrake points out that 5 million more Democrats than Republicans voted--which doesn't bode well for the GOP in November if they can't mobilize voters. Thomas Lifson adds to the mounting pile of articles detailing McCain's rift with the conservative base.

There's much more if you have the stomach for it.