Thursday, January 21, 2010

Corporate Spending Limits Overturned

This is huge.

The Supreme Court narrowly (5-4) overturned a centuries old ban limiting spending by corporations, which presumably now have the same status as persons. Everyone expects money to flood into the political system now.

Here's text and links from from ScotusBlog: The Citizens United opinion is linkedhere. The judgment of the D.C. Circuit is reversed, in an opinion of the Court written by Justice Kennedy. Justice Stevens filed a partial dissent, which was read from the bench, joined by Justices Ginsburg, Breyer, and Sotomayor. Justice Thomas dissents in part and concurs in part.

I'm interested in whether there is any fall out from this. I also assume that this means the 5 person conservative majority sees no reason to restrain itself from overturning aggressively any law, no matter how old, which they disagree with.