Monday, June 21, 2010

Rahm Emanuel Might Quit

From Slatest:

Rahm Emanuel Expected To Quit After Midterm Elections

Rahm Emanuel has always been known to get things done. Washington insiders are saying that the White House chief of staff will quit his post within six to eight months because he is frustrated by Obama's closest advisers' idealism and their unwillingness to push through legislation. "Friends say he is also worried about burnout and losing touch with his young family due to the pressure of one of the most high profile jobs in U.S. politics," the
London Telegraph reported. The Telegraph didn't name any of its sources, and the White House did not respond to a request for comment, but Emanuel himself has reportedly said that he believes the position is only an 18-month job because of its intensity. "Mr. Emanuel, 50, enjoys a good working relationship with Mr. Obama but they are understood to have reached an understanding that differences over style mean he will serve only half the full four-year term," the Telegraph reported. The paper also quotes a Democratic consultant as saying that the job just isn't working out the way it's supposed to. "Nobody thinks it's working but they can't get rid of him—that would look awful. He needs the right sort of job to go to but the consensus is he'll go."

The London Telegraph Monday, June 21, 2010

We covered this in class today. It introduced us to the White House Staff and the other institutions (along with the Cabinet and Executive Office of the President) that advise the president.

Here are a few recent stories about Emanuel:

- Wonkbook: WH talks climate compromise; meet the anti-stimulus ...
- Emanuel: Hayward yachting 'a big mistake'
- In the speaker's office, a quiet liberal lion: Wendell E. Primus
- Emanuel invites Netanyahu to the White House