Friday, November 11, 2011

The different types of inequality

In 16 week 2301 this week we covered areas of agreement and disagreement on values questions and mentioned that while most people would agree that equality is important, they tend to disagree over what exactly "equality" means.

This David Brooks commentary provides and example. He lists a couple of dozen types of inequalities and outlines which are socially acceptable and which are not.


Academic inequality is socially acceptable. It is perfectly fine to demonstrate that you are in the academic top 1 percent by wearing a Princeton, Harvard or Stanford sweatshirt.

Ancestor inequality is not socially acceptable. It is not permissible to go around bragging that your family came over on the Mayflower and that you are descended from generations of Throgmorton-Winthrops who bequeathed a legacy of good breeding and fine manners.