Sunday, January 15, 2012

1 - Written Assignment GOVT 2301 Spring Semester

Remember to input your answer to this question in blackboard!!!

Dear 2301s: For your introductory written assignment I want you to be a bit introspective and take these two quizzes available in the Pew Research Center's website:

- The News IQ Quiz.
- Political Typology Quiz.

The first is designed to determine your level of political knowledge while the second is designed to determine what your ideological leanings are. Before you begin, jot down on a piece of paper how much you think you know about the political world, and what you think your political leanings are. Then take the tests and see how accurate your predictions were. Do you have the level of political knowledge you assumed you had? Yes or no? And based on the questions you answered on the political typology quiz, are your ideological leanings what you thought they were?

Comment on your findings.