Sunday, January 29, 2012

3 - Written Assignment GOVT 2302 Spring Semester

This week we will be reading through Article 1 of the US Constitution and Article 3 of the Texas Constitution which outline, respectively, the US Congress and the Texas Legislature. As we already know, they are bicameral, meaning that they are composed of two fundamentally different chambers, one which is connected somewhat tightly to the preferences of the electorate, and the other which is not. Conflict between the House and the Senate is intentional and ought to be considered to be part of the broader system of checks and balances - one that is fully internal within the legislature.

But then again, maybe this claim is unwarranted. Perhaps they rubber stamp each other's decisions.

I want you to look through the news and find examples of conflict between the House and the Senate and try to come to terms with the nature of that conflict. Does it seem to be due to the fundamental difference between the two institutions? Any recent news item will do. Do they seem to be checking each other as they were constitutionally intended to?