Sunday, February 10, 2013

State legislative activity as of right now

We will look at the three branches on the state level this week in 2306, which means we'll be looking at state activity across the nation. This sets us up for a specific look at the activities in Texas in the ensuing three week, we might also be able to get some sense of where the issues the Texas legislature is dealing with are similar and different from those elsewhere.

Here are a few stories about state legislative activity nationwide to get us going:

- Perhaps the best place to get going is the "Hot Topics and Features" section of the website of the National Conference of State Legislatures. They point out ongoing conflict associated with stand your ground laws, the need for stimulus plans independent of the national government, immigration proposals and the need to determine how to integrated state health insurance plans with those established by the Affordable Car Act.

- Here's a look at the partisan breakdown of state legislatures and governor's offices across the US. State legislatures - or at least the party members in each - are considering modifications to their electoral rules that would advantage their national party candidates.

- The Weed Blog got a big kick out of the fact that Marijuana Reform - and a huge leaf - was featured on the cover of State Legislatures magazine. These states - and potentially others - are setting up a conflict with the national government since they are legalizing something the US government still criminalizes.

- PhysBizTech discusses the number of telemedicine bills which have been introduced in states across the nation.

- Biotech firms do not want competition from generic drugs and are looking to state legislatures to limit competition from generic drug manufacturers. The ACA allows for generic drugs.

- While no gun control measures have been enacted, some state legislatures have begun formulating laws that would nullify national legislation.

- Several states are contemplating doctor assisted suicide laws.

- Immigration has dipped a bit as a topical issue in state legislatures, but still tops the list in many states across the nation.

- Food Safety News reports that a handful of states are also considering whether to allow the sale of raw milk.

That's a small handful of topical items on many state agendas. Some call states "laboratories of democracy" since they can each experiment with various ways to address public policy concerns - here's proof of such democracy in action.