Friday, February 15, 2013

Weekly Assignment #6

Hopefully you've gotten caught up with past assignments - I need to stress that the May 9th deadline for all work in class is a hard deadline - so don't get too far backlogged in your work. Also, next week I will ask you about your paper topic, so be prepared for that.

A have a separate question for 01,02,05 and 06

GOVT 2301: I want you to start compiling data that will help you address the subject of the 1000 word report. Right now, start looking at the results of the 5 most recent elections and describe broadly what was at stake in them. What were the dominant issues? Did they change? Why? Try to become experts on the elections of 2004, 2006, 2008, 2010, and 2012.

GOVT 2302: What is the sequester? Its something that is supposed to happen soon, that's all I know right now. Why is it scheduled to take effect? Why are some people arguing that it is a bad thing? Why are some arguing that it is a good thing? What evidence are they offering for each position? How is it related to the broader topic of the fiscal cliff? 

GOVT 2305: The first chapter of "Its even worse than it looks" discusses the new politics of hostage taking" which includes discussions about how filibusters are used and hold are placed on nominations for executive offices.  As it happens we are in the middle of an event that might qualify as a "hostage taking" event - but then again it may not. I want you to think about what the authors are stating in that chapter and apply it to the facts associated with the current filibuster against the nomination of Chuck Hagel to be Secretary of Defense.

GOVT 2306: In some of the chapters in the book on Jesse Jones, the role he played in developing and guiding the Port of Houston are laid out. I want you to get familiar with that role, and the relationship the has with the city. Think about how the leaders of the city were able to use it to help grow the city. Then I'd like you to read through the material assembled by the Texas Sunset Review Commission about the Port of Houston Authority. Every ten or so years, each executive agency in the state has to - in essence - justify its existence. Usually they able to do so, but sometimes the commission makes unusual recommendations for reorganizing the commission. Read through the material and determine what the commission has recommended for the port authority, and what this would mean for how the port is run and who would control it.