Thursday, February 13, 2014

Alvin Community College straddles two congressional districts

In 2305 we are starting to look at Congress, and one way to approach it is to look at how ACC is represented in Congress. We all reside in a congressional district which - unless it is vacant - is occupied by a person who most likely is a member of one of the two major parties and is also on a standing committee or two. We are also represented by a couple members of the Senate.

So as we look at the behavior of members of Congress and the design of the institution, it might be best to do so by focusing on the people who represent this area.

For ACC, the creates a bit of a problem because the ACC campus is split. Most of it is in the 22nd Congressional district - represented by Pete Olson - bit a tiny piece in the south west part pf the property is in the 14th Congressional district - represented interestingly enough by ACC alumnus Randy Weber. This gives us two members of Congress to look at.

I'm still figuring out the best way to get the right image on the blog, but this link to District Viewer allows you to hone in on the local area: Click here to play around with it.