Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Weekly Written Assignment #7 - Critical Thinking Assessment

Note: I was late posting this assignment - so you'll have until the end of next week to turn it in without a penalty. The due date on Blackboard is set already, so don't worry if it tells you you are late.

This week's assignment also serves as the critical thinking assessment. In a separate post I'll give a link to the rubric that will be used to evaluate this assessment. Both 2305 and 2306 classes will focus on the same recent event, but will cover different aspects of it. In each case you will be asked to apply material we've covered in class so far to understand different aspects of it.

The story involves the emerging conflict between religious liberty and gay rights in a handful of states - most notably Kansas and Arizona. Here some useful links:

- Kansas, Arizona bills reflect national fight over gay rights vs. religious liberty.
- Wikipedia: Kansas House Bill 2453.
- What The Hell Just Happened In Kansas?
- NM Court Says Christian Photographers Must Compromise Beliefs.
- Religious Right in Arizona Cheers Bill Allowing Businesses to Refuse to Serve Gays.

This is just a handful of stories - there are many more, many of which may be more relevant.

GOVT 2305

I want 2305 students to analyze the conflict these laws present between religious liberty and equal protection. Note that both exist in the US Constitution. Congress - and by extension the states - cannot pass laws that infringe on the free exercise of religious belief, but neither can the state deny to person's within their jurisdiction the equal protection of the law.

This seems to present a dilemma. I want you to figure out how to resolve it. How might the conflict between religious liberty and equal protection be resolved - especially when either side seems so dug into its own interests?

GOVT 2306

This conflict also calls to mind disputes between the national and state governments over how the nature of liberties and rights are defined, and the ongoing conflict over which level's definition take precedence over the others.

Make an argument supporting whether states or the national government should have the principle responsibility to define religious liberty and equal; protection. Also touch on how the dispute between the two might be effectively resolved.

- Click here to find the rubric that will be used to evaluate this assignment.