Thursday, February 20, 2014

Our Great Region 2040

The Houston Galveston Area Council voted to accept the Our Region 2040 Plan, which Guidry News describes as "a long range plan designed to help the region address critical challenges such as housing, transportation, economic development and the environment."

We refer periodically to area councils of government in 2306 - less so in 2305 - since they exist to coordinate the activities of the hundreds of independent governing institutions in the various metropolital regions in the state. They deserve more attention than we have the time to give them, but this gives you an opportunity to see how they try to do what they do.

Useful links:

- The Our Great Region 2040 report.
- Story from Guidry News.

- February Board Agenda.

a long range plan designed to help the region address critical challenges such as housing, transportation, economic development and the environment. - See more at:
a long range plan designed to help the region address critical challenges such as housing, transportation, economic development and the environment. - See more at:
a long range plan designed to help the region address critical challenges such as housing, transportation, economic development and the environment. - See more at:
a long range plan designed to help the region address critical challenges such as housing, transportation, economic development and the environment. - See more at: