Tuesday, June 30, 2015

What is the Clean Air Act?

Since Michigan v EPA involved questions about the propriety of how the Clean Air Act was implemented, it's worth linking to some background on the Act itself - in addition to some history of air pollution legislation.

1955 - Air Pollution Control Act. Provided funding for research into the study of the causes and health consequences of air pollution, in addition to how it could be controlled. The research was to be done for 5 years by the Public Health Service. It was amended in 1960 and 1962 to extend funding and to authorize the Surgeon General's Office to student the effects of motor vehicle exhaust.The act did not establish a mechanism for implementing any solution to the problem.

1963: Clean Air Act of 1963. Created emission standards that could be applied to "stationary sources" which is the fancy term for factories and industry. It highlighted high sulfur coal as a source of pollution. It furthered funding of research and investigations of suspected polluters. It was amended to establish standards for automobile emissions in 1965. It was also amended in 1966 to assist local air pollution control programs, in 1967 to create air control regions and establish timetables for implementing state pollution plans and in 1969 to fund research into low emission fuels.

1970: National Environmental Policy Act. Creates President's Council on Environmental Quality.

1970: Clean Air Act of 1970. This is the most important of the bunch.Establishes the National Ambient Quality Standards which focuses on the reduction of a set of pollutants including carbon monoxide and ozone. Amendments added in 1977 modified the act's goals.

1970: Richard Nixon establishes the Environmental Protection Agency with an executive order. It is established to implement the requirements contained in the Clean Air Act.

1990: Clean Air Act Amendments. Focuses on the reduction of acid rain and leaded gasoline.

- EPA: History of the Clean Air Act.
- Clean Air Act Implementation in Houston: An Historical Perspective 1970-2005.
- EPA: Understanding the Clean Air Act.
- Clean Air Timeline.