Wednesday, September 16, 2020

From the Project on Government Oversight: Roger Teague

 An example of the revolving door.

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Major General Roger Teague retired on September 1, 2017 from his role as the director of space programs at the U.S. Air Force acquisition office. He was in charge of the development and purchasing on space programs to Air Force major commands, laboratories, and product centers. According to Teague’s LinkedIn profile, he immediately joined Boeing as vice president of space, intelligence, and missile defense systems. In fiscal year 2017, Boeing received $9.2 billion in Air Force contracts.

On March 2, 2020, PredaSAR Corp. announced it was hiring Roger Teague as its new CEO. The company completed a $25 million seed financing to develop the “world’s largest and most advanced” commercially operated Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) satellite constellation. PredaSAR chairman and co-founder Mac Bell stated, “From guiding the Space Based Infrared Systems (SBIRS) program to first launch, to helping The Boeing Company secure a number of recent big wins in their space communications portfolio, we are fortunate to have such an experienced individual at the helm of PredaSAR.”

On August 4, 2020, Roger Teague and PredaSAR announced it had selected SpaceX to launch its first 48 SAR satellites, around the same time SpaceX won a $316 million contract with the United States Space Force.