Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Are state legislatures ignoring real problems for symbolic ones?

This author says yes, and its undermining self governance. The legislation (ultra-sound, anti-Sharia Law) is designed to placate special interests, not solve real problems.

The author is concerned that state legislatures are also attacking the independence of the judiciary:

Indeed, the past 16 months have seen persistent and pernicious efforts by state lawmakers to undermine the independence of the judiciary. I have written about this topic before as it relates to New Hampshire. But it's rampant all over. In Arizona, lawmakers angry about a state court's redistricting decision are trying to punish the state's judicial system by dramatically reducing the number of appellate judges from 22 to six. Meanwhile, in Maryland, Florida, Minnesota, and Tennessee, to name just a few states, conservative legislators are seeking to strengthen rules that would allow "commissions" to remove judges from office for unpopular decisions. Kansas has even managed a quinella, combining anti-judicial sentiment with the "birther" movement, by pushing a measure that would require judges to prove their citizenship.