Sunday, January 6, 2013

Club for Growth set to primary Republicans who voted for the Sandy Relief Bill

An example of primarying in action.

The Club for Growth is one of the more powerful interest groups active today. Its expressed goal is to influence (control?) a majority of the Republican Conference in the House so they can then influence (control) what can and cannot pass the House.

The vote for the Sandy Relief Bill will be part of the score card they use to rank members of Congress according to their criteria. Those who score low may find themselves vulnerable in the upcoming 2014 Republican Primaries.

Some random links for background:
- What Kind of Politician Votes Against a Hurricane Relief Bill?
- Rep. Mo Brooks: Why I voted against Sandy relief bill.
- Did Congress Mishandle the Hurricane Sandy Relief Bill?
- Congress OKs $9.7B in Sandy relief, as conservatives question call for more aid.