Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Revised Study Guide for the 2305 Final

A few things to focus on for the test:

The ones that have been crossed out were current events for last semester. Look on the blog for a list of current event items likely to be on this test.

candidates for the presidency
area congressional representatives
U.S. Supreme Court cases from Texas
gay marriage
political generations
Pete Olson
Randy Weber
The Republican establishment
examples of checks and balances
attitudes towards governing institutions
government shutdowns
fundamental rights
examples of substantive liberties
examples of procedural liberties
compelling public purpose
interpretations of the Constitution
control of Congress
the presidential election
the 114th Congress
the Speaker of the U.S. House
the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court
Article One of the U.S. Constitution
the 10th Amendment
the implied powers
the Bill of Rights
Civil Rights
popular control of governing institutions
the expressed powers
judicial review
presidential powers
the purpose of political parties
the party eras
party coalitions
groups that support each major party
the purpose of education
the self-evident truths
republics v democracies
the 4th amendment
agency capture
the components of democracy
the checks and balances
the basis of conservatism and liberalism
strict scrutiny
the definition of “government” and “politics”
the grievances in the Declaration of Independence
Federalist #45
national power / state power
voter turnout
proportional representation
the debate over interpreting the U.S. Constitution
the Emancipation Proclamation
the functions of the separated powers
the wall of separation between church and state
federalism and public policy
powers denied to the national government
powers denied to the states
minority rights
the census
religion in the U.S. Constitution
consequences of political parties
the election of senators
Federalist #78
the executive departments
rational basis review
original intent
ideology and public policy
free exercise of religion
the two party system
federal judges
protected speech
presidential powers
commander in chief powers
unified government
popular sovereignty
procedural liberty
the vesting clauses
the design of the federal courts
the security clause
the delegated powers
the elastic clauses
the right to privacy
who votes?
Baker v Carr
the 15th Amendment
the inherent powers
the differences between the House and Senate
the general welfare clause
The Social Security Act
the declaration of war
the 6th Amendment
Federalist 51
the singular executive
strict scrutiny
the Voting Rights Act
election laws
local government