Thursday, February 2, 2012

More From National Journal: Study: Keystone Bill Supporters Get More from Industry

For 2302:

The oil and gas industry has given $22.3 million in campaign contributions since 1989 to the 44 senators sponsoring a bill that would require the approval of the Keystone XL pipeline, compared to $7.3 million to the 56 senators who are not cosponsors, according to an analysis by and Public Campaign Action Fund.

That means senators who cosponsored the bill, which was introduced today, have each received an average of over $500,000, while the senators who did not sponsor the bill have received about $130,000. (The analysis does not account for how long senators have been in office.)

Officials with and Public Campaign contend the numbers show the cosponsors' support comes in part because of the influence of money in politics.

Notice that everyone gets a cut though.