Wednesday, January 29, 2014

From the Atlantic: The Fastest-Growing Jobs of This Decade (and the Robots That Will Steal Them)

More on which jobs are most likely to be done by a robot in the near future.

This article comes with the following handy chart which shows the tops term jobs of the near future and the likelihood they will be done by a robot or a software program:

1) Personal care aides: 74%
2) Registered nurses: 0.9%
3) Retail salespersons: 92%
4) Combined food prep & serving workers: 92%
5) Home health aides: 39%
6) Physician assistant: 9%
7) Secretaries and admin assistants: 96%
8) Customer service representatives: 55%
9) Janitors and cleaners: 66%
10) Construction workers: 71%
Good luck - seriously. Think about nursing, not office administration.