Tuesday, January 21, 2014

From the Guardian: 85 richest people as wealthy as poorest half of the world

Pretty incredible statistic. The wealth of 85 people equals the wealth of 3.5 billion.

The article digs into the consequences of this fact and the increasing push back against it. The disparity was the product of policy decisions made a couple or three decades back and could well be reversed - unless the wealthy have enough political pull to prevent it. Which sees to be part of the subject of the article.

Click here for the report from OxFam.

Working for the Few - Oxfam report

In developed and developing countries alike we are increasingly living in a world where the lowest tax rates, the best health and education and the opportunity to influence are being given not just to the rich but also to their children.
"Without a concerted effort to tackle inequality, the cascade of privilege and of disadvantage will continue down the generations. We will soon live in a world where equality of opportunity is just a dream. In too many countries economic growth already amounts to little more than a 'winner takes all' windfall for the richest."