Wednesday, September 16, 2015

From Vox: The revolt against John Boehner: Worst. Plan. Ever.

Vox thinks the effort to oust John Boehner from the Speakers chair is unrealistic. They do so by laying out the plan that conservative Republicans have developed to get the job done. It's a good opportunity for 2305 students to look inside the workings of the institution:

The rebels' plan

- Offer a resolution to vacate the speaker's chair (fire the speaker).- Claim that the resolution is "privileged" and thus must come to a vote.*- Pass the resolution with a majority of all 188 Democrats and 29-plus Republicans- Nominate a new Republican speaker within the Republican Conference.- Elect the new Republican candidate with a united Republican vote on the House floor.- Watch with glee as the new speaker forces the Senate and president to agree to the Liberty Caucus agenda, beginning with defunding Planned Parenthood.

- Click here for a look at the likelihood that this plan would work.