Monday, September 28, 2015

How good a speaker was John Boehner?

I've yet to make up my mind, but a simple search turns up a lot of articles claiming he was pretty bad. If you are one of my 2305 students and you want to take that option, read through a few. Democrats wont say much nice about him, and neither will more conservative elements of the House Republican Conference, but that's likely more a function of their policy preferences rather than how Boehner was able to manage the institution itself.

I'll add more viewpoints soon - but here's a start:

- Freedom Works: Boehner's Ten Worst Moments as Speaker.
- Forward Progressives: John Boehner Will Go Down As One of the Worst House Speakers in History.
- The Week: How one Tea Partier learned to love John Boehner.
- NYT: Boehner, American Hero.
- The New Yorker: The Pointless Cowardice of John Boehner.
- Fox: Give Boehner a break: GOP Speaker brings real leadership to 114th Congress.
- Fox: Boehner resigns: The one thing you must understand about the Speaker's decision.

I'll add more - it'll be helpful to gather an objective list of the pros and cons of his speakership before making a judgement. In case you are interested, here is a completely unreliable ranking of the top 25 speakers in American history.

- The top 25 from Rankopedia.

It has Henry Clay at the top of the list, he's worth a look.