Monday, September 7, 2015

This week in 2305

First I'd like to make sure that we are comfortable with the layout of the Constitution, Then I want to hit the major points made in the sections focused on constitutional principles. I'll save a look at the section on religious liberty for next week - unless we make a lot of headway this week. This might be a bit too ambitious for my MW classes because we lost Monday to Labor Day, but we'l do what we can.

I'd like to also make sure we are comfortable with the arguments made in the Federalist Papers that I highlight for each section. We should also try to get comfortable with the arguments the Anti-Federalists made against them.

As far as news events go - I'll continue to throw out links to items related to the election - I'll try to narrow these down to the topics you've decided to write about, but I'll spread the net wide since come of you are undecided, and other might decide to change your focus.

Congress is back in session tomorrow after their August recess enters, so we will begin to follow them - conveniently enough, this will be right before we start looking at the legislative branch next week.